Friday, July 6, 2012

Check it out!

One of my close friends has started an amazing t-shirt business on Etsy! These shirts are so cute and creative and absolutely perfect for summer! I think they're amazing and I just had to share with you guys, so check them out! :)

           These are just a few great designs! Find more at:

Stay Classy :)

Dear Diary... Oh wait this is my Facebook.

Over the past few years, social networking sites such as Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, etc. have become a big (and embarrassingly important) part of our daily lives. Let's face it as much as you try not to, we are constantly checking our Facebook every time we log onto our computer or fiddle with our phone, our social networking pages are usually the first things that we check. Along with these sites being very addictive, another appeal of these sites comes from the fact that many people use them as an outlet to air their feelings. These feelings are usually vented through status updates and were originally intended to act as a fun way to communicate with friends and to share with their "Facebook friends" the going-on's of their day. However, lately I've noticed a trend amongst people's statuses and that trend is overly complaining about personal problems and well, just being down-right not classy. I'm sorry but the world does not need to know every juicy sordid detail of your personal problems 10 times a day via your status. No, we do not need to hear about how b*tches are talking smack and you know it, or the details of how bad our day was and who made it that way status after status. I've always loved the saying "Don't air your dirty laundry in public"... well that counts for the internet as well. Also, as easy as it may be to start fights and call people out in a status, it's not only the opposite of classy but it is also just plain annoying. So for the sake of your classiness, and for the sake of your friend's news feeds not filling up with petty problems and cat fights; leave the venting for your diary, not the internet.

Stay Classy :)

Monday, May 28, 2012

Un-Classy Eyewitness Moment of the Week...

Dear girl walking in the center of town,
           If I can see your butt cheeks, those are not shorts you are wearing, they are underwear. Please consult a mirror and correct this disturbing public display of un-classyness immediatly.

Thank you.

Stay Classy :)

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Hello Sailor! ... Mouths.

Inspired by one of my best friends, this topic is not about what you wear, or how you act, but concerns what comes out of your mouth. Yes, I'm talking about unnecessary swearing. I'm not talking about those heated moments of anger when a swear slips out... no my issue is with the times where someone casually slips the f-bomb into a normal conversation several times. For example, "Hey how the f*** are ya?", "Look at that f****** dog!", "That's f****** hilarious!"; so on and so forth, you get my drift. Growing up time and again we were told not to use bad words, and that swearing wasn't nice. Well in this day and age, swearing is a part of social culture whether people like it or not. This however does not mean that we should slip it into every conversation that we have that day. As adult and young adults, those "bad" words aren't as bad anymore, but that does not make them appropriate conversation pieces. Slipping the f-bomb and other swears in between every syllable of your sentences, is just downright un-classy. With this being said it's okay to let a couple swears fly in the heat of a moment, but let's try and keep our mouths clean otherwise.

Stay Classy :)

Sunday, May 20, 2012


With summer vacation right around the corner and my final exams coming to an end, I will soon be back from my hiatus with new posts to come!

Stay tuned and stay classy :)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thank you so much!

Thank you so much to Jojo's diary for awarding me with the Versatile Blogger Award!! I can't thank you enough for following my posts, and really appreciate being awarded by you! :)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

My Apologies..

Sorry for the recent delays in posts! More to come soon I promise :)

Until then stay classy and thank you for following :)